Friday 13 September 2013

what's with indian men

Indian men are seen as perverts not only due to increasing number of rape incidents in India but also for their attitude towards females.In a survey only 17% of indian men have qualified to the 'highly equitable' (gender-just) category. While Croatia topped the test, with 82% 'gender-just' men, times

 But in my opinion educated middle class of indian men controls their sexual desires the most in the world.  I am not defending any rape culprit or supporting any groper but trying to give some facts that can help to understand the behaviour of indian men.

  Indian lower class is uneducated and doesn't have any emotional support from their family, so it is obvious for them to be criminal minded. This lower class is responsible for most of the rapes in india. An economic and social reform as well as strict police action followed by quick judiciary process is required to curb these.

  However middle class men do stare at any young girl they see, and the reason behind it is their sexual starvation. In india dating is not allowed (socially) between young man and woman. A couple is only expected to have sex after marriage. And for the marriage man need to have a good job that can take care of him, his wife and future children.

Due to indian education system which involves useless degrees that hardly fetch any job other than a teacher with minimum wages, making way between a cutthroat competition in a country with population of over a billion is a tough job. Most of the middle class indian man reach the age of 28(average is 30yrs) when they can be considered as a suitable candidate for marriage. Nobody can understand the depth of frustration of a man who is in his prime years of youth, deprived of any emotional/physical support of a partner and is struggling to make his carrier in such an environment. 

Even after the marriage this irony doen't end. In a survey Men's Health found that Indian men have sex less than once a week on average. This was the lowest rate among the 30 participating countries. Almost half of the Indian males surveyed (48%) said they believe their partners often fake orgasm, and the average man has had just three bedroom companions. Meanwhile, men in Croatia reported having an average of 11 partners each, making them the most promiscuous guys on the planet. nydailynews
  Can you see the connection in two survey's i mentioned, the Croatian men who have most sex are the most gender-just(gender equality).
  Please read a comment of a young indian male posted in a porn forum.. i have edited(also merged 3 posts in to one ) it due to use of incorrect English but kept the theme(intent) the same. You can see the height of frustrations that have rooted inside the indian males.

Originally Posted by lightgreen49 View Post
i m virgin at 25 years, 5 months, and 12 days living in Delhi(the great capital city of india). my problem is that i dont find girls around .. the school ones are married .. college ones are either getting engaged or in relation.. and there are only aunts in office. Neighborhood is like cosmopolitan families opera.. I DONT GET GIRL IN THIS COUNTRY. we the rare species of shy indian good virgin male find solace nowhere..we(Indians) the foolish paid attention to job, study and career only, when everyone else was busy catching girl (the right thing) . everyone told me to study, make career, get a  job and all other shit which u will ultimately gain anyway in life after. FINDING LOVE AND GIRL IS THE BIGGEST THING TO DO IN LIFE ONCE THE TIME GOES U CANT DO ANYTHING .EVERY THING ELSE LIKE MONEY STUDY CAN BE  ACCUMULATED ALL THRU LIFE BUT NOT GIRLS. And then u realize u been misguided all through and in wrong direction having the wrong aim all through... if u dont agree u are FOOL and will realize this in later course of your life. Life is no sure thing to plan..i cud be dead in a road accident any day.  i dont want die a fucking virgin, virgin is a fucking looser and deserve to die in some well out of shame......BEING VIRGIN IS A SIN .. IT ROT YOUR SPIRIT .. IT'S A CURSE .

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